How To Avoid Obesity?

How To Avoid Obesity?

Obesity is a problem in which a large amount of fat is stored inside the body. fat comes in to our body for two reasons, one is by eating oily food and the other makes liver in our body.

We should take as much calories as our body needs. If you take more calories than that and do not do daily activity and exercise, then excess fat starts accumulating in the body.

How To Avoid Obesity?

What Causes Obesity

  • Eating high calorie fatty food.
  • Non-daily activity.
  • Not getting enough sleep causes hormonal changes that make us hungry.
  • Steroid and antipsychotic medication intake may also cause obesity.
  • One reason for this is genetics.
  • Many hormones change during pregnancy and need to rest more and more, due to which obesity occurs.

Diseases Caused by Obesity?

Obesity can give rise to many diseases causing the body to face many serious diseases.
  • There are chances of getting diseases like heart attack because the cholesterol in the blood vessels gets blocked and stops.which keeps the risk of heart attack.
  • Obesity is the main reason for having Type-2 diabetes.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • There is a complaints of fatty liver, it causes fat deposits in the liver, which causes problems in digestion.
  • PCOD which causes infertility in women.
  • Being a gallstone.
  • Reduction of gap between the knee joint due to weight gain.
  • Cancer can be a chance of getting uterus cancer(endomaterial carcinoma), breast cancer, kidney cancer and oesophagus cancer.
  • Oxygen carrying capacity is reduced when we sleep, our abdomen gives pressure to our lungs, which causes difficulty in breathing.
What Should We Eat? Not What?
Avoid foods such as fried fatty food, junk food, canned food.Also, do not consume narcotics such as alcohol, cigarettes. Because they contain more calories as well as harmful substances.

Which tests should be done in obesity?

T3, T4, TSH hormones present in the blood are examined, In which normal levels of T3- 0.6to1.8mu/l, T4- 4to12mu/l, TSH- 0.5to4.7mu/l hormones

Many other tests are done by blood test in which the correct levels of cholesterol, insulin, blood sugar are detected.In addition, ultrasound tests the liver and PCOD.

How to treat obesity?

Physical activity- Exercise, cycling, yoga, swimming as a physical activity extremely useful.
Pharmacotherapy- Medications and injection are used to reduce fat levels in it.
Laparoscopy- This is low risk surgery in which the stomach size is reduced.

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